The Dillon Force Gauge Model X-C offers nine capacities (ranging from 50 lb to 10,000 lbs) with high accuracy (±1% of full capacity). Get precise measurements with this professional-grade tool.
The Dillon Force Gauge Model X-C uses a hardened ball that rotates to maintain vertical alignment as pressure increases. This ball is secured with a spring clip or retainer, while a threaded mounting hole is located on the bottom of the beam, opposite the loading ball.
Included Items
- Force gauge
- Carrying case
- Certificate of Calibration traceable to NIST
- Maximum load pointer which remains at peak load until manually reset.
- ISO-17025 Calibration available for 5,000 lb gauges and lower.
- Zero position on dial may be factory positioned at 12, 3, 6, or 9 o’clock. Standard position is at 12 o’clock.
- Shockless dial indicator for installations involving the sudden application or release of force. (Maximum pointer cannot be supplied with shockless dial indicator)