Strength Assessment and Physiotherapy Blog

KINVENT E-Book: A Practical Guide to 3-Axis Force Plates
Among physical therapists, strength and conditioning coaches, athletic trainers and others, force plates are prized for their versatility and abili...

Ready to Invest in Biofeedback Equipment? Here’s How to Balance Cost & Quality
For physiotherapists, manual muscle testing (MMT) has long reigned supreme. The method, which requires physical therapists (PTS) and other practiti...

How to Choose the Right Force Plates for Your Practice
Learn how popular dual, uniaxial, portable force plates compare so you can assess which model is best suited to your practice.
Force plates (also k...

Guest Blog: The Benefits of Bluetooth Force Plates in Upper Body Injury Rehabilitation
By Dr. Nate Harris
In my journey to becoming the owner of a sports physical therapy practice in Charleston, South Carolina, I have had to wear many...

Case Study Part II: KINVENT Brings Pro Level Training & Preventive Injury Care to All
Part Two: Digital Force Plates Enhance Accuracy & Patient Experience
When South Carolina-based sports physical therapist, Dr. Nate Harris, open...

Case Study: KINVENT Brings Pro Level Training & Preventive Injury Care to All
Part One: Bluetooth-Enabled Tools Streamline Testing
When Dr. Nate Harris worked as a staff physical therapist for the Pittsburgh Pirates and Seatt...

KINVENT E-Book: CMJ Testing with K-Deltas Force Plates
Countermovement jump (CMJ) tests are a bread-and-butter exercise in the physical therapy and athletic conditioning worlds.
While the test is routin...

Case Study: Professor Uses KINVENT to Educate Next Generation of Physical Therapy Technicians
Luke Baumgartner, a trained physiologist and exercise, sport and movement sciences instructor at the University of Memphis, has spent his career se...

Introducing KINVENT Portable & Professional Force Plates
Force plates from KINVENT provide physical therapists and sports medicine practitioners a powerful new way to measure recovery, health and strength...